This is Nordnet › aboutNordnet's digital platform for savings and investments forms the backbone of our offering and gives private savers and investors direct access to the global savings market. On the platform, our customers can save and invest in stocks, mutual funds and other securities at competitive prices through a number of different account types.
Automated Trading using the Nordnet nExt API | …
Automated Trading using the Nordnet nExt API We can offer a complete platform including support and operations using the Nordnet nExt API for fully automated trading in Swedish stocks. The platform is certified by Nordnet for the …
Automatisk handel | Nordnet › no › tjenesterTeknisk analyse og automatisk handel. Nordnet AutoTrader hjelper deg å identifisere tekniske kjøps- og salgssignaler for alle børshandlede produkter hos Nordnet. Du kan sortere hele børslister i henhold til tekniske signaler med filtreringsverktøyet Calculation Explorer.
This is Nordnet
Nordnet's digital platform for savings and investments forms the backbone of our offering and gives private savers and investors direct access to the global savings market. On the platform, our customers can save and invest in stocks, mutual …