torchvision.transforms — Torchvision 0.11.0 documentation › vision › stabletensor (Tensor) – Tensor image to be normalized. Returns. Normalized Tensor image. Return type. Tensor. class torchvision.transforms. RandomErasing (p = 0.5, scale = (0.02, 0.33), ratio = (0.3, 3.3), value = 0, inplace = False) [source] ¶ Randomly selects a rectangle region in an torch Tensor image and erases its pixels. This transform does not support PIL Image.
Normalize — Torchvision main documentation › vision › torchvisionNormalize a tensor image with mean and standard deviation. This transform does not support PIL Image. Given mean: (mean[1],...,mean[n]) and std: (std[1],..,std[n]) for n channels, this transform will normalize each channel of the input torch.*Tensor i.e., output[channel] = (input[channel] - mean[channel]) / std[channel]