Translit RU/EN: Russian Translit, Transliteration and ...
https://translit.ccA special case, when transliteration applied to Russian letters to represent them in Latin characters is called Translit. Initially translit was applied only within Russian speaking community (known as "Russian translit") to transliterate Cyrillic texts and later was widely applied to many other Non-Latin languages and alphabets.
transliteration - transliterating cyrillic to latin with ... › questions › 11404047Jul 10, 2012 · Use [] instead of new Array () Use an {} instead of an [] Use lower case variables instead of upper case. Uppercase is reserved for constructors. Here is the code. function transliterate (word) { var answer = "" , a = {}; a ["Ё"]="YO";a ["Й"]="I";a ["Ц"]="TS";a ["У"]="U";a ["К"]="K";a ["Е"]="E";a ["Н"]="N";a ["Г"]="G";a ["Ш"]="SH";a ["Щ"]="SCH";a ["З"]="Z";a ["Х"]="H";a ["Ъ"]="'"; a ["ё"]="yo";a ["й"]="i";a ["ц"]="ts";a ["у"]="u";a ["к"]="k";a ["е"]="e";a ["н"]="n";a ["г ...
Translit RU/EN: Russian Translit, Transliteration and Virtual ...
translit.ccThe word Transliteration comes from Latin transliteratus (trans-"across" + littera "letter"). Transliteration is the method of representing letters or words of one alphabet in the characters of another alphabet or script. A special case, when transliteration applied to Russian letters to represent them in Latin characters is called Translit.
Russian Transliteration - Spell Cyrillic with Latin Letters › transliterationRussian Transliteration. Transliteration is the system of representing or spelling the text written in one alphabet using the corresponding letters of another. Converting Russian letters into English ones, the Cyrillic symbols are usually transcribed or transliterated. Transliteration is more commonly used because Russian is a phonetic language, which means that, in general, letters are pronounced nearly as written except for a very few rules.