16.02.2019 · List of LaTeX mathematical symbols. From OeisWiki. There are no approved revisions of this page, so it may not have been reviewed. Jump to: navigation, search. All the predefined mathematical symbols from the T e X package are listed below. More symbols are available from extra packages. Contents.
The symbol \intercal is quite a nice symbol for transpose, but it is placed a little low. Therefore the example defines \transpose to use a \intercal , which is ...
I want to write A=[Xtk Ytk .Xtk .Ytk]^T in LaTeX.^T means that I want the transpose symbol "T" to come as superscript of the matrix.Xtk should appear as the variable X with subscript t and subsubscript k.Similarly for Ytk.Third entry, .Xtk, means that I want the . (dot) to come on top of Xtk, denoting velocity.. I want to know how these can be expressed in desired forms in LaTeX.
The symbol \intercal is quite a nice symbol for transpose, but it is placed a little low. Therefore the example defines \transpose to use a \intercal, which is shifted to the baseline. The symbol size adapts to the current math style.
... no doubt people have been writing about it since at least 1995), or fish for ideas by checking out DeTeXify or the Comprehensive LaTeX symbol list.
TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems. It only takes a minute to sign up. Sign …
latex transpose So column j has a single 1 at position e i j j. ... LaTeX Math Symbols The following tables are extracted from The Not So Short Introduction ...
The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List says the following: Some people use a superscripted \intercal for matrix transpose: A^\intercal. (See the May 2009 comp.text.tex thread, "raising math symbols", for suggestions about altering the height of the superscript.) \top, T, and \mathsf {T} are other popular choices.
Jun 05, 2012 · Matrix transpose in latex | ecology & stats Matrix transpose in latex June 5, 2012 The ‘ best ‘ way to indicate matrix transpose in my opinion is, $\mathbf {X}^\top$ is the matrix transpose of $\mathbf {X}$. from → latex
15.12.2015 · update: better commented code, safer inner macro names with a \Mar@ prefix, added tabular, "macro" and "file" example.. Here is an approach based on an expandable macro \Transpose.One can use it inside pmatrix, bmatrix, ..., or tabular-like environments.. The macro is used as \Transpose {rows separated by \\} where each row is written with & separators and …
Nov 20, 2015 · Addendum: If you wanted to (a) raise the transpose symbol a bit more relative to the example code above and (b) shift it a bit more to the left (so that it's closer to the symbol that precedes, you might use the following version of the \tran macro: ewcommand\tran{\mkern-2mu\raise1.25ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle\top$}\mkern-3.5mu}
The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List says the following: Some people use a superscripted \intercal for matrix transpose: A^\intercal. (See the May 2009 comp.text.tex thread, "raising math symbols", for suggestions about altering the height of the superscript.) \top, T, and \mathsf {T} are other popular choices.