Social Science: True Crime | The Discovery › event › social-science-2022-true-crimeSocial Science is The Discovery’s wildly popular adults-only, brain building event series featuring science demonstrations, hands-on labs, expert presentations, a live DJ, libations, and sweet and savory bites. Each event offers an opportunity to explore a unique theme and the entire museum! Labs, lectures and experiences for this event are still being planned. Please check […]
Social Science: True Crime | The Discovery Science is The Discovery’s wildly popular adults-only, brain building event series featuring science demonstrations, hands-on labs, expert presentations, a live DJ, libations, and sweet and savory bites. Each event offers an opportunity to explore a unique theme and the entire museum! Labs, lectures and experiences for this event are still being planned. Please check […]
True Crime Discovery
https://truecrimediscovery.blogspot.com13.12.2007 · True Crime Discovery We expose the True Crimes of the 20th Century carried forward still into this new millenium. Child Drugging, Abuse of our Elder, Billions of Dollars in Fraud. This is a free library with over a dozen riveting Free E-Books on this subject.
True Crime Discovery
truecrimediscovery.blogspot.comDec 13, 2007 · Discover the creation of a tale and behind the public facade of medical achievement is a story marred by greed,deaths and the deliberate deception of the American public. Discover how we have been duped by the so called mental health workers.Destroying lives-neuroleptic induced harm.