True Detective (TV Series 2014–2019) - Plot Summary - IMDb › title › tt2356777The first season focuses on two detectives, Martin Hart (Woody Harrelson) and Rust Cohle (Matthew McConaughey) as they end up crossing paths while hunting a serial killer in Louisiana for 17 years. The series will feature multiple timelines to trace the hunt of the two detectives, jumping in time from the first case opening in 1995 to 2012, when the case is reopened.
True Detective (season 1) - Wikipedia creating True Detective, Nic Pizzolatto had taught at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, DePauw University, and the University of Chicago. Inspired by HBO's series The Wire, The Sopranos, and Deadwood, he began working on a short story collection that he later published as Between Here and the Yellow Sea in 2006. He published a novel, Galveston, in 2010, and began tr…
True Detective Season 1: Real Life Crime Inspiration Explained › true-detective-season-1-trueNov 20, 2021 · In True Detective season 1, episode 1, state homicide detectives Marty (Woody Harrelson) and Rust (Matthew McConaughey) investigate the murder of 28-year-old Dora Lange, while also being embroiled in a missing-persons case of a child named Marie Fontenot. As the series progresses, with plot points branching into the nefarious underbellies of crime, the duo comes across evidence of a cult responsible for the disappearance of women and children.
True Detective - Season 1 - IMDb › title › tt2356777Season 1 S1, Ep1 12 Jan. 2014 The Long Bright Dark 8.9 (21,172) Rate In 2012, former detective partners Rust Cohle and Martin Hart recap one of their very first cases together involving a serial killer, back in 1995. S1, Ep2 19 Jan. 2014 Seeing Things 8.8 (18,280) Rate Cohle and Hart travel around trying to track down leads to their case.
The Ending Of True Detective Season 1 Explained - …
19.02.2021 · Set in Louisiana, True Detective season 1 features a split timeline that slowly comes together over the course of the season. Beginning in 1995, Rust and Marty are brought on to solve the murder ...