Basic Rigging Workbook - BNL The load must also have certified lifting points or be relatively easy to sling. Person-in-charge. Person appointed by the responsible manager or designee to direct critical or pre-engineered lifts. The person-in-charge must be present during the entire lifting operation and must have experience in handling similar types of equipment. The
Design of Industrial Truss - › ce › anamCalculation of Point Dead Load: Total roof load including roofing, purlins, sagrods and bracings = 2.0 + 1.5 + 1.0 = 4.5 psf Purlin Spacing S p = 21.54 , Truss Spacing S t = 30 Concentrated roof loads on truss joints = 4.5 S p S t /1000 = 2.91 kips Assumed self-weight of truss = 100 lb/ft = 0.10 k/ft of horizontal span, to be equally divided
Rigging formulas bridle cheat sheet on your web-site. I know you and I discussed this a few years, ago, and it was alright with us at the time, but we cannot now approve the use of this information on your web-site. Please remove the rigging formulas and bridle cheat sheet that you have obtained from us." If you don't know how to use these formulas, DON'T.