What is a Truth-Value? - Fact / Myth
factmyth.com › what-is-a-truth-valueJul 28, 2017 · A truth-value is a label that is given to a statement (a proposition) that denotes the relation of the statement to truth. [1][2] In general, all statements, when worded properly, are either true or false (even if we don’t know with certainty their truth-value, they are ultimately true or false despite our ability to know for sure).
truth-value | logic | Britannica
www.britannica.com › topic › truth-valuetruth-value, in logic, truth (T or 1) or falsity (F or 0) of a given proposition or statement. Logical connectives, such as disjunction (symbolized ∨, for “or”) and negation (symbolized ∼), can be thought of as truth-functions, because the truth-value of a compound proposition is a function of, or
What is a Truth-Value? - Fact / Myth
factmyth.com/what-is-a-truth-value28.07.2017 · A truth-value is a label that is given to a statement (a proposition) that denotes the relation of the statement to truth. [1][2] In general, all statements, when worded properly, are either true or false (even if we don’t know with certainty their truth-value, they are ultimately true or false despite our ability to know for sure).