Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) - TUM › en › studiesThe Master’s in Computational Science and Engineering is a multidisciplinary program taught in English over four semesters. The first three semesters involve lectures, tutorials, and seminars, while the fourth semester is reserved for your master's thesis. The program covers a wide range of subjects and research areas, including numerical ...
Computer Vision Group - Research Areas - TUM Areas Research Areas Our research group is working on a range of topics in Computer Vision and Image Processing, many of which are using Artifical Intelligence. Computer Vision is about interpreting images. More specifically the goal is to infer properties of the observed world from an image or a collection of images. Our work combines a range of mathematical domains …
Computer Vision Group - Prof. Dr. Daniel Cremers Dr. Daniel Cremers Research Interests Computer vision, machine learning & deep networks, mathematical image analysis (segmentation, motion estimation, multiview reconstruction, visual SLAM), shape analysis, autonomous systems & self-driving cars, variational methods and partial differential equations, convex and combinatorial optimization & statistical inference.10550559
Computer Vision & Artificial Intelligence - Groups - TUM Vision and Learning Group. The Dynamic Vision and Learning (DVL) group at TUM is working on key problems in Computer Vision and Machine Learning. The main goal of the research team is dynamic scene understanding, i.e., to allow robots to see and understand the world around them from visual (video) input.
Computer Vision Group - Home Learning for Computer Vision (IN2357) (2h + 2h, 5ECTS) Computer Vision II: Multiple View Geometry (IN2228) Lectures; Probabilistic Graphical Models in Computer Vision (IN2329) (2h + 2h, 5 ECTS) Lecture; Seminar: Recent Advances in 3D Computer Vision. 3D Computer Vision Seminar - Material
Vision & Graphics Lab - Vision and Graphics Lab - TUM to the Vision and Graphics Lab homepage! VGL is a new initiative to bring together researcher from Computer Vision and Graphics that englobes 5 research groups from the Technical University in Munich. VGL aims at building and strengthening the synergies between the five groups at TUM in a joint lab environment, pushing forward research ...
Schools + Departments - TUM › en › researchOur TUM Schools and Departments are built on two key success factors – disciplinary excellence and interdisciplinary networking. Our high placing in national and international university rankings underpins our claim to excellence. At the Technical University of Munich, students will find an excellent study environment at the very cutting edge ...