TurboVNC | Downloads / TurboVNC YUM Repository
https://turbovnc.org/Downloads/YUM10.03.2021 · TurboVNC can be installed and updated using YUM by following this procedure: As root, download TurboVNC.repo and place it in /etc/yum.repos.d . Use YUM to install a binary, debuginfo, or source package. Examples: Replace yum with dnf and yumdownloader with dnf download if using Fedora 23 or later or Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS 8 or later.
TurboVNC | Main / TurboVNC
turbovnc.org24.06.2020 · TurboVNC. If you have benefited from this product, then please consider making a donation to ensure that we can continue to provide this enterprise-quality, high-performance software free of charge and in a vendor-neutral manner. Every dollar donated goes toward the development of TurboVNC.
TurboVNC | Downloads / TurboVNC YUM Repository
turbovnc.org › Downloads › YUMMar 10, 2021 · TurboVNC can be installed and updated using YUM by following this procedure: As root, download TurboVNC.repo and place it in /etc/yum.repos.d . Use YUM to install a binary, debuginfo, or source package. Examples: Replace yum with dnf and yumdownloader with dnf download if using Fedora 23 or later or Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS 8 or later.