QPalette Class | Qt GUI 5.15.8
doc.qt.io › qt-5 › qpaletteMember Function Documentation QPalette:: QPalette (QPalette &&other) Move-constructs a QPalette instance, making it point at the same object that other was pointing to.. After being moved from, you can only assign to or destroy other.
"placeholder text is not a member of palette" | Qt Forum
forum.qt.io › topic › 97466Dec 10, 2018 · Seems that QtCreator 4.8.1 when you edit your .ui file substract default values for QPalette. Qt::PlaceholderText, butyou dont have this value in earlier versions of Qt. The problem solves by editing .ui file directly with some text editor (not qtdesign) and removing all blocks that contains "PlaceholderText ". Reply Quote.
QPalette Class | Qt GUI 5.15.8
https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qpalette.htmlQPalette::PlaceholderText: 20: Used as the placeholder color for various text input widgets. This enum value has been introduced in Qt 5.12: QPalette::Text: 6: The foreground color used with Base. This is usually the same as the WindowText, in which case it must provide good contrast with Window and Base. QPalette::Button: 1: The general button ...