Python基础语法题库 - 暮光微凉 - 博客园 › schut › pMar 24, 2019 · Traceback (most recent call last): File " <stdin> ", line 1, in <module> TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable int object View Code 52、有集合 s = {1,2,3},python3解释器执行 del s[2 ]的结果为( ): A 3 B 2 C { 1,2 } D TypeError: ' set ' object doesn ' t support item deletion
"TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable" when I was ... situation is as follows. You are trying to unpack result returned from im.getpixel((i, j)) into 4 variables r, g, b, _.. For this to work, the im.getpixel has to return a list, a tuple or another iterable, which will provide just 4 values for the variables. Providing more or less makes a problem. But in your case, the function im.getpixel((i, j)) is returning an int, which is not by any ...