Mar 28, 2018 · You are also going to run into problems with the queue as that is not how you add items to a list. You have a getter for vertices in the graph class you can use and adding to the queue list you can use append. def bfs (g, s): explored, queue = [], [s] while queue: current_vertex = queue.pop (0) print (current_vertex) if current_vertex not in ...
11.10.2019 · In Python, the subscripting is nothing but indexing since it is the same as a mathematical notation that uses actual subscripts. In Python, for example, we use array[0] to get the first element of the array and the mathematicians use a 0 for the same thing. In simple words, objects which can be subscripted are called sub scriptable objects.
Aug 25, 2020 · The “TypeError: ‘NoneType’ object is not subscriptable” error is raised when you try to access items from a None value using indexing. This is common if you use a built-in method to manipulate a list and assign the result of that method to a variable. Built-in methods return a None value which cannot be manipulated using the indexing syntax.
user = User.query.filter_by (username=username).first () id get back the first user that matches the username. if user != username: # check to see if database user matches form username. message = "Incorrect username". I honestly think you …
08.08.2021 · Всем привет! Я пытаюсь написать команду для бота Телеграм, кусочек: import random users = random.choice[111, 1, 11, 111] # выбор одного из предложенных рандомно @bot.message_handler(content_types=...
Mar 31, 2016 · This answer is not useful. Show activity on this post. Using d ["descriptionType"] is trying to access d with the key "descriptionType". That doesn't work, though, because d is a Desk object that doesn't have keys. Instead, get the attributes: if d and self.rf == 2 and d.descriptionType in ["900000000000003001"] and d.conceptId in konZer.zerrenda:
To get rid of the error you can use lista.sort()method:- The .sort() method is in place, and returns None. If you want something not in-place, which returns ...
30.03.2016 · This answer is not useful. Show activity on this post. Using d ["descriptionType"] is trying to access d with the key "descriptionType". That doesn't work, though, because d is a Desk object that doesn't have keys. Instead, get the attributes: if d and self.rf == 2 and d.descriptionType in ["900000000000003001"] and d.conceptId in konZer.zerrenda:
24.11.2018 · Hi The code is: import pandas as pd import quandl import math df = quandl.get('FINRA/FORF_TLLTD') df['PCT']= df['ShortVolume']/df['TotalVolume']*100 df = df ...
Nov 29, 2021 · Solution 1. As per the Python’s Official Documentation, set data structure is referred as Unordered Collections of Unique Elements and that doesn’t support operations like indexing or slicing etc.
How to fix TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable. The error is self-explanatory. You are trying to subscript an object which you think is a list ...
Need some help. ' TypeError: 'type' object is not subscriptable'. This code is far from done so please ignore the lack of variable usage/code doing nothing. s = 'testabcdefghatest' substring = 'f' tempSubstring = 'zzzzzzzzzzzz' for char in range [s]: print (char) print ('Longest substring in alphabetical order is: ' + substring ) It throws ...
Dec 17, 2021 · Subscriptable objects have a __getitem__ method, and we can use __getitem__ to retrieve individual items from a collection of objects contained by a subscriptable object. Examples of subscriptable objects are lists, dictionaries and tuples. We use square bracket syntax to access items in a subscriptable object. Because methods are not ...
25.07.2019 · SYSASM ) sql = f"select * from {table}" df = pd. read_sql ( sql, con ) data = df. select_dtypes ( include= [ 'object' ]) ERROR. 'cx_Oracle.LOB‘ object is not subscriptable. Q. How to use pandas to get values for other fields that are not of type LOB. LINK.
Got this error when calling oanda.stream_data('EUR_USD', stop=7). Is there something wrong with v20? Thanks. Traceback (most recent call last): File "o ...