Inorganic Materials | Home - Springer · Inorganic Materials is a journal that publishes reviews and original articles devoted to chemistry, physics, and applications of various inorganic materials including high-purity substances and materials.The journal discusses phase equilibria, including P–T–X diagrams, and the fundamentals of inorganic materials science, which determines preparatory conditions for …
Inorganic Materials - Wiki › wiki › Inorganic_MaterialsApr 29, 2013 · Inorganic Materials 1. Stone a. Igneous b. Sedimentary c. Metamorphic 2. Ceramic a. Clay i. tablets ii. greenware b. Mud Brick c. Terracotta and Low Fired Terrasigilata d. Earthenware e. Stoneware f. Porcelain 3. Glass a. Flat Glass i. Stained Glass a. in situ b. archaeological b. Vessels c. Beads d. Scientific Glass e. Volcanic f. Enamel g. Glazes