Dr. M. R. Kabir - UAP
https://www.uap-bd.edu/ce/Handouts/CE-461/PP/Chap07.pdfRegime Channel When the character of the bed and bank materials of the channel are same as that of the transported materials and when the silt charge and silt grade are constant, then the channel is said to be in its regime and the channel is called regime channel. This ideal condition is not practically possible.
Dr. M. R. Kabir - UAP
www.uap-bd.edu › ce › HandoutsRegime Channel When the character of the bed and bank materials of the channel are same as that of the transported materials and when the silt charge and silt grade are constant, then the channel is said to be in its regime and the channel is called regime channel. This ideal condition is not practically possible.
no.cardio.erasmusnursing.net/content/2-0-hjertesykdom/2-3-1...uap...nstemiErasmus. ii. Ustabil Angina (UAP) og hjerteinfarkt uten ST-elevasjon (NSTEMI) Klinisk diagnostisering med bakgrunn i: Pasientens beskrivelse av symptomer og sykehistorie. EKG-forandringer ved smerter: ST-depresjon (ST-senkning), endringer i T-takken eller normalt EKG. Hjertemarkøren Troponin I og T konstaterer myokardcellenekrose.
Behandlingsvejledning | Akut koronart syndrom
https://nbv.cardio.dk/aks10.05.2021 · Akut koronart syndrom (AKS) inddeles i: AMI defineres ud fra følgende kriterier: 1) stigning og/eller fald i kardial troponin (se afsnit 1.4) 2) holdepunkter for akut myokardieiskæmi med mindst et af følgende: symptomer på akut iskæmi (f.eks. brystubehag og/eller dyspnø/akut hjertesvigt og/eller arytmier), jf.