Download - pgAdmin 4 (APT) Download. Maintainer: pgAdmin Development Team. DEBs for various Debian and Ubuntu versions are available from the pgAdmin APT repository. The following platforms are supported: Debian 9 (Stretch, up to v5.3), 10 (Buster), 11 (Bullseye, from v4.30)
Install pgAdmin 3, 4 on Ubuntu - o7planning, there is no difference if you use Ubuntu Desktop. sudo apt-get install pgadmin3 After installation, on the Ubuntu, you can you can access pgAdmin3 The illustration that the pgAdmin3 is running on Ubuntu Server : Enter the connection information to the server installed PostGres.
Install PgAdmin4 on Ubuntu - Linux Hint Install PgAdmin4 on Ubuntu 4 years ago by Fahmida Yesmin PgAdmin is a popular open source management and development tool which is released under PostgreSQL/Artistic license. Different types of database operations can be done easily from the browser by using this software. This software can be used on most popular operating systems.