14.09.2020 · Als ersten Schritt laden Sie Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS von der Homepage herunter. Klicken Sie dazu auf der offiziellen Webseite auf " Option 3: …
1) How to add a user on Ubuntu using the graphical interface. If you are not a fan of the terminal you can, instead, add a user on Ubuntu using the new-look and polished User interface of Ubuntu 20.04. So, here are the steps: Right-click on the desktop and select the ‘Settings‘ option as shown: This opens the ‘Settings‘ window.
Jul 19, 2020 · Installing OpenSSH Server on Ubuntu 20.04 First of all, as always, make sure that your current packages are up to date for security purposes. sudo apt-get update Now that all packages are up-to-date, run the “apt-get install” command in order to install OpenSSH. sudo apt-get install openssh-server
Preparing to Install. This section explains various aspects to consider before starting the installation. System requirements. Ubuntu 20.04 Server Edition ...
Ubuntu 20.04 uses netplan as a default network manager. The configuration file for the netplan is stored in the /etc/netplan directory. You can find this configuration file listed in the /etc/netplan directory the following command: The above command will return the name of the configuration file with the .yaml extension, which in my case was ...
16.08.2020 · Um das Software-RAID unter Ubuntu Server 20.04 zu erstellen, wählt man nun den Menüpunkt „Software-Raid (md) erstellen„. Im folgenden Schritt kann auf Wunsch ein Name vergeben werden. Man kann jedoch auch die Vorgabe „md0“ lassen. In jedem Fall sollte man einen einfachen Namen ohne Leerzeichen verwenden.
Ubuntu 20.04 uses netplan as a default network manager. The configuration file for the netplan is stored in the /etc/netplan directory. You can find this configuration file listed in the /etc/netplan directory the following command: The above command will return the name of the configuration file with the .yaml extension, which in my case was ...
12.05.2020 · First step is to download Ubuntu 20.04 server ISO image. Ubuntu 20.04 Server ISO image is the only image release for various other architectures such as 64-bit PC (AMD64), 64-bit ARM, PowerPC64 and IBM System z. Select an appropriate architecture and download the *.iso file. Next, choose from which medium you wish to perform the Ubuntu ...
29.10.2020 · In this guide, we are going to learn how to install and configure SNMP on Ubuntu 20.04. SNMP is an acronym for Simple Network Management Protocol. It provides an agentless method of managing and monitoring of network devices and servers for health information, system metrics such as CPU load, Physical Memory usage, number of running processes, …
Einem Ubuntu Server via CLI eine feste IP zuweisen. Zielkonfig (bei Bedarf anpassen) IP des Host: Default Gateway: DNS Server 1:
18.04.2020 · In this guide, we will show you how to setup an SFTP server using VSFTPD on Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa. If you haven’t already, check out our tutorial on How to setup FTP server on Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa with VSFTPD, as this article on SFTP assumes that you’ve applied the configuration covered in the FTP guide.. FTP is a great protocol for accessing and …
DNS Server in Ubuntu 20.04 konfigurieren. In früheren Ubuntu-Distributionen wurden die DNS-Resolver in der Datei /etc/resolv.conf konfiguriert, in dem einfach die Werte bearbeitet und die Datei zur Verwendung gespeichert wurde. Das funktioniert so leider nicht mehr.