Ubuntu Virtual Machine Images for VirtualBox and VMware
https://www.osboxes.org/ubuntuUbuntu is a full-featured Linux operating system which is based on Debian distribution and freely available with both community and professional support, it comes with Unity as its default desktop environment. There are other flavors of Ubuntu available with other desktops as default like Ubuntu Gnome, Lubuntu, Xubuntu, and so on. A tightly-integrated selection of excellent …
Install Ubuntu on Oracle VirtualBox
https://brb.nci.nih.gov/seqtools/installUbuntu.htmlInstall Ubuntu. Back to Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager, click on the new Ubuntu virtual machine and hit 'Start' button. Now you shall see a 'Welcome' screen. Click 'Install Ubuntu' button. Note that the installation process may differ a little bit from version to version. The screenshots here are based on Ubuntu 14.04.1. Click 'Continue' button.
Install Ubuntu on Oracle VirtualBox
brb.nci.nih.gov › seqtools › installUbuntuInstall Ubuntu. Back to Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager, click on the new Ubuntu virtual machine and hit 'Start' button. Now you shall see a 'Welcome' screen. Click 'Install Ubuntu' button. Note that the installation process may differ a little bit from version to version. The screenshots here are based on Ubuntu 14.04.1. Click 'Continue' button.
Ubuntu Virtual Machine Images for VirtualBox and VMware
www.osboxes.org › ubuntuUbuntu is a full-featured Linux operating system which is based on Debian distribution and freely available with both community and professional support, it comes with Unity as its default desktop environment. There are other flavors of Ubuntu available with other desktops as default like Ubuntu Gnome, Lubuntu, Xubuntu, and so on.