Debian vs Ubuntu: What's the Difference? Which One to Use? › debian-vs-ubuntuSep 12, 2021 · Ubuntu is derived from Debian. It means that Ubuntu uses the same APT packaging system as Debian and shares a huge number of packages and libraries from Debian repositories. It utilizes the Debian infrastructure as base. Ubuntu uses Debian as base. That’s what most ‘derived’ distributions do. They use the same package management system ...
Debian vs. Ubuntu: Similar Yet Different - Udemy Blog › debian-vs-ubuntuDebian, an old standby in the Linux family, serves as the framework for Linux Mint, Knoppix, Xandros, and, yes, Ubuntu. On the other hand, Ubuntu, which in some ways is a child of Debian, has earned its own stripes, serving as the basis for China’s OS, Ubuntu Kylin, as well as the trusted go-to platform of the Netherlands’ internet forensics unit.
Debian vs. Ubuntu: Similar Yet Different - Udemy Blog · The Debian vs Ubuntu debate, like the Fedora vs Ubuntu conversation, has been raging for several years now. Debian, a rock solid solution, is used for a broad range of devices such as laptops, desktops, and servers, and Ubuntu can be found on smartphones, tablets, PCs, servers, and cloud VPS.