[OpenWrt Wiki] The UCI system
https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/base-system/uci27.11.2021 · When using uci to write configuration files, the files are always rewritten in whole and non-recognised commands are omitted. This means that any extraneous lines in the file are deleted, such as comments. If you have UCI configuration files that you have edited yourself and you want to preserve your own comments and blank lines, you should not use the command …
DELETE HDiC - education.uci.edu
education.uci.edu › delete-hdicThis specialization focuses on the numerous and varied people, places, and activities that contribute to human development. The influences of culture, institutions, and social interactions are stressed, with a focus on families, schools, peers, out-of-school settings, and media and technology.
使用uci命令行读取uci config小结 – 星运记事
xingyuncheng.net/?p=454.2用法:uci delete config.section #删除某段落section 示例: uci delete v2conf.s61355758 然后uci show v2conf.s61355758返回 uci: Entry not found 段落不存在. 5.uci commit 用法:uci commit config #提交修改。因为之前经过uci set/delete的值实际上都还在缓存内,重启以后就会丢失 示例: uci commit ...
[OpenWrt Wiki] The UCI system
openwrt.org › docs › guide-userNov 27, 2021 · All “uci set”, “uci add”, “uci rename” and “uci delete” commands are staged into a temporary location and written to flash at once with “uci commit”. This is not needed after editing configuration files with a text editor, but for scripts, GUIs and other programs working directly with UCI files.