UEFA Euro 2020 - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UEFA_Euro_2020Due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe during 2020, the tournament was postponed to summer 2021, while retaining the name UEFA Euro 2020 and host venues. Alongside special rules regarding COVID-19, UEFA also allowed more substitutions [8] and implemented video assistant referee (VAR) for the first time.
EM i fotball 2021 – Wikipedia
https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/EM_i_fotball_2021EM i fotball 2021 (offisielt: UEFA Euro 2020) var det 16. europamesterskapet i fotball for menn og ble arrangert av UEFA fra 11. juni til 11. juli 2021. Mesterskapet skulle opprinnelig arrangeres i juni og juli 2020, men på grunn av koronaviruspandemienbesluttet UEFA 17. mars 2020 å utsette det til 2021. Mesterskapet ble arrangert i elleve forskjellige byer i elleve europeiske land. De…
UEFA EURO 2021 - Big Mare
bigmare.com › uefa-euro-2021Jan 01, 2022 · UEFA EURO 2021. Since the Scotland game, he has also pushed back gently against those who have been calling for Borussia Dortmund winger Jadon Sancho, who has yet to feature, to be given a slot on the right wing. Teams have been going out of their way to practice on artificial turf, including on lacrosse, baseball and American football fields.
UEFA EURO 2021 - Big Mare
https://bigmare.com/uefa-euro-202101.01.2022 · UEFA EURO 2021. Since the Scotland game, he has also pushed back gently against those who have been calling for Borussia Dortmund winger Jadon Sancho, who has yet to feature, to be given a slot on the right wing. Teams have been going out of their way to practice on artificial turf, including on lacrosse, baseball and American football fields.