Campus Kristiansand - Universitetet i Agder › en › about-uiaCampus Kristiansand has approximately 9 500 students. The buildings are surrounded by greenery and have a sleek, contemporary design. The campus is close to recreational areas and in walking distance of the city centre. The sporting facilities are very good, with a fitness centre on campus and a lot of outdoor options.
Frontpage - Universitetet i Agder Professor Helje Kringlebotn Sødal breaks with several traditions of history writing in her new book about Norwegian Christianity over the last 200 years. ... A student who studied at Campus Kristiansand Monday 13 December, has tested positive for coronavirus. The studetn has been in close contact with a omicron-infected person.
Part-time jobs - Universitetet i Agder › en › studiesPart-time jobs. A normal student in Norway spend approximately 37,5 hour every week on studies and lectures. At the same time, almost half of the students at UiA have a part time job after school and during weekends. It is possible yet challenging to find a part time job while being an international student in Kristiansand and Grimstad.
University of Agder | ESN Agder › UiAThe University of Agder (UiA) is located in the southern part of Norway. UiA is divided between two campuses in different cities, Campus Kristiansand and Campus Grimstad.There are around 12 000 students studying at UiA, with about ⅔ of the students residing at Campus Kristiansand and the last third at Campus Grimstad.
Student housing - Universitetet i Agder › en › life-on-campusStudent housing in Kristiansand and Grimstad is offered by The Student Association of Agder (SiA). All international students can apply for student housing. You will receive information once you have been accepted as a student. International students from outside EU/EEA who are spending a minimum of one semester at the University of Agder are ...
Forside - Universitetet i Agder
https://www.uia.noForskning Historia om norsk kristendom fortald nedanfrå UiA-professor Helje Kringlebotn Sødal bryt med fleire tradisjonar for historieskriving i si nye bok om norsk kristendom dei siste 200 åra. Forskning De fattige er snillere enn de rike Ny forskning tyder på at …