Ukrainian Latin alphabet - Wikipedia was occasionally written in the Latin script as far back as the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, in publications using the Polish and Czech alphabets. In the nineteenth century, there were attempts to introduce the Latin script into Ukrainian writing, by J. Lozinskiy (Polish: Josyp Łozyńskyj), a Ukrainian scholar and priest from Lviv (Josyp Łozyński Ivanovyč, Ruskoje wesile, 1834), Tomasz Padura, and other Polish-Ukrainian romantic poets.
Ukrainian Alphabet and Pronunciation › ukrainian_alphabetUkrainian Alphabet. Learning the Ukrainian alphabet is very important because its structure is used in every day conversation. Without it, you will not be able to say words properly even if you know how to write those words. The better you pronounce a letter in a word, the more understood you will be in speaking the Ukrainian language.