DKMS frequently asked questions | DKMS › faqIf you wish to register with DKMS but are not sure if you are already registered, please first contact the Be The Match registry by calling 1-800-MARROW2 (1-800-627-7692). If you are not registered with them, you are invited to contact DKMS to ensure you’ve never registered with us, either.
DKMS frequently asked questions | DKMS stands for ‘Deutsche Knochenmarkspenderdatei’, or German Bone Marrow Donor Center. But as we grew internationally and extended our mission to include the United States, Poland, the United Kingdom, Chile, India, and South Africa, we moved to give ourselves a standard identity.
VirtualBox dkms issue - CentOS · Sorry for the delay on this - as mentioned, dkms doesn't work any more. I wound up installing whatever extension pack about which it complained. Yet, every couple CentOS 7 updates, I get messages instead of my VMs. I have found that sudo yum -y reinstall virtualbox*.*, followed by a reboot, gets things working again.
VirtualBox dkms issue - CentOS › viewtopicFeb 18, 2016 · When I updated to CentOS 7.3 with dkms my VirtualBox 5.0 refused to cooperate. I then (via yumex) uninstalled vb 5.0 and installed 5.1. That seemed to get things working again, but it took two reboots afterwards. Hope this info is of some use.