24.10.2018 · We discussed this and decided to leave the API as-is. We felt the indication that a shard must be specified for the request in the event there are no unassigned shards warrants a 400 response, because the request is indeed malformed in that it does not provide what is needed for the request to succeed.
28.06.2017 · It will be nice for the API to treat "unable to find any unassigned shards to explain" as a successful response (and indicate in the response body that unassigned shards found is 0, for example), and simply write an informational statement to the debug log instead of having it show up as a warning in the ES logs.
26.11.2020 · According to the docs: You can also have Elasticsearch explain the allocation of the first unassigned shard that it finds by sending an empty body for the request. So, if you send an empty request body it tries to find an unallocated shard and fails. If you want to show allocation details for a specific shard you have to provide a body like this:
Jun 28, 2017 · It will be nice for the API to treat "unable to find any unassigned shards to explain" as a successful response (and indicate in the response body that unassigned shards found is 0, for example), and simply write an informational statement to the debug log instead of having it show up as a warning in the ES logs.
13.11.2013 · Elasticsearch automatically allocates shards if the below config is set to all. This config can be set using a rest api as well cluster.routing.allocation.enable: all. If even after application of the below config, es fails to assign the shards automatically, then you have to force assign the shards yourself.
12.07.2019 · It says it can not find any problem shards to explain, which is a good position to be in. Senthil_ak (Senthil kumar) July 15, 2019, 6:48pm #7
07.11.2017 · To help us in getting answers on shard issues, Elasticsearch 5.0 released the cluster allocation API, _cluster/allocation/explain, which is helpful when diagnosing why a shard is unassigned, or why a shard continues to remain on its current node when you …
Oct 30, 2020 · First, we have to be aware that some shards could not be assigned. Below you’ll find example ways of learning about the issue: using monitoring dashboards, browsing log messages and, the most useful, calling the Elasticsearch cat shard API. Shard overview in the ElastiHQ and Kibana dashboards
Jul 12, 2019 · It says it can not find any problem shards to explain, which is a good position to be in. Senthil_ak (Senthil kumar) July 15, 2019, 6:48pm #7
30.10.2020 · Verify which Elasticsearch shards are unassigned. First, we have to be aware that some shards could not be assigned. Below you’ll find example ways of learning about the issue: using monitoring dashboards, browsing log messages and, the most useful, calling the Elasticsearch cat shard API. Shard overview in the ElastiHQ and Kibana dashboards
27.04.2021 · If the count was higher than the recommendation, you may experience the symptoms in the next two sections (see below). If any shards report >0 outside active_shards or active_primary_shards, you’ve pinpointed a major config cause for performance issues. Most commonly if this reports an issue, it’ll be unassigned_shards>0.
08.01.2019 · Elasticsearch’s cat shards API will tell you which shards are unassigned, and why: Copy. ... you can also use the cluster allocation explain API to try to garner more information about shard ... When this process fails for some reason (e.g. the node’s storage has been damaged in some way), the shards may remain unassigned ...
Nov 26, 2020 · You can also have Elasticsearch explain the allocation of the first unassigned shard that it finds by sending an empty body for the request. So, if you send an empty request body it tries to find an unallocated shard and fails. If you want to show allocation details for a specific shard you have to provide a body like this:
curl -XGET elastic:9200/_cluster/allocation/explain?pretty. and also for this command: ... "reason" : "unable to find any unassigned shards to explain ...