Jun 27, 2021 · # Command can be overwritten by providing a different command in the template directly. CMD ["app.lambda_handler"] The code in app.py imports modules from models. Unfortunately this doesn’t work and produces the following error: "errorMessage": "Unable to import module 'app': No module named 'models'"
So basically, no matter what I do, I can't get the module part of the handler to find my handler module that I've uploaded as a multifile zip. The only thing that works is using a single file and making the handler use the module name lambda_handler (even though that's not my file name).
In Lambda, changed the Handler info to python_filename.function_name. For my case, it was lambda_function.lambda_handler -- failed with no module named ...
09.04.2018 · Unable to import module 'lambda_function': No module named 'lambda_function' To reiterate, my file is named lambda_function.py and contains a function called lambda_handler, which accepts two arguments (as seen above). This information matches that seen in Handler, also seen above. I am using a Mac computer, if that matters. UPDATE 2
17.09.2020 · You can create a Lambda custom layer with your packages.. To check this solution I created such a layer and can confirm that it works.. The technique used includes docker tool described in the recent AWS blog:. How do I create a Lambda layer using a simulated Lambda environment with Docker?
20.02.2020 · Unable to import module 'wsgi_handler': No module named 'werkzeug' It seems that the zip folder containing the app does not contain the right packages as specified in my requirements.txt and there is no .requirements folder either.
Feb 20, 2020 · Unable to import module 'wsgi_handler': No module named 'werkzeug' It seems that the zip folder containing the app does not contain the right packages as specified in my requirements.txt and there is no .requirements folder either.
Aug 09, 2017 · Hmmm, that’s odd – I wonder why it can’t import our handler module? We can call the logs function to check. The logs are usually a few seconds behind, so we’ll have to be a bit patient if ...
26.07.2019 · Unable to import module 'handler': No module named 'werkzeug' It was working fine for python3.6 on zappa==0.42.2 until the last deployment in 25-July-2019. I thought it was due to some code changes on the app that's causing it (even though the code changes are not related to pip modules - just some updates on the application's codebase) but even reverting to previous …
Unable to import module ‘lambda_function’: No module named ‘lambda_function’ To reiterate, my file is named lambda_function.py and contains a function called lambda_handler, which accepts two arguments (as seen above). This information matches that seen in Handler, also seen above. I am using a Mac computer, if that matters. UPDATE 2
Aug 23, 2018 · But when I deploy it with serverless and run the handler.py function (same as the test.py above) I get back the error: Unable to import module 'handler': No module named 'paramiko' Looks like the deploy is unable to import paramiko (by the article above it seems like it should be available for lambda python 3 on AWS) isn't it?
... the default exception handler , which prints a stack trace and exits . To use the DB - API interface , import the database driver module you want to use ...
16.05.2021 · Unable to import module 'wsgi_handler': No module named 'werkzeug._compat' I have installed serverless-python-requirements and serverless-wsgi. The folders are present in the zip folder that was uploaded to AWS. I found the reference to werkzeug._compat in serverless_wsgi.py:
Feb 07, 2014 · [1510159074562] Unable to import module 'handler': No module named builtins Your Environment ... (Unable to import module 'handler': No module named builtins ...