Connect to MySQL Database in Python using PyMySQL Connect MySQL from Python with PyMySQL. The following simple example uses Python to connect to MySQL and query the Department table: import pymysql.cursors # Connect to the database. connection = pymysql.connect (host= '' , user= 'root' , password= '1234', db= 'simplehr' , charset= 'utf8mb4' , cursorclass ...
unable to import pymysql - Python Forum › thread-15188import pymysql. from flask import Flask,url_for,request,render_template,redirect,flash,make_response,session. import logging. from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler. app=Flask (__name__) , im getting a error message,unable to import pymysql. but if i go to Lib/site-packages path, i can find pymysql folder.
pyMySQL Error (no module called PyMySQL) · Issue #187 ... › PyMySQL › PyMySQLOct 08, 2013 · While running test scripts via Robot Framework Ride Tool, it was unable to connect to database as there was an error occuring called "no module called PyMySQL". This issue occured when PyMySQL 0.6 was installed. In order to the resolve the issue, version 0.6 was uninstaled and version 0.5 PyMySQL was installed though: pip install PyMySQL==0.5