14.04.2021 · If Ubuntu Packages website also shows that the package is not available for your specific version, then you’ll have to find some other ways to install the package. Take Shutter for example. It’s an excellent screenshot tool for Linux but it hasn’t been updated in years and thus Ubuntu has dropped it from Ubuntu 18.10 and newer versions.
20.05.2021 · E: Unable to locate package wget E: Unable to locate package unzip E: Unable to locate package zip The command '/bin/sh -c apt-get install wget unzip zip -y' returned a non-zero code: 100 Existing contents of sources.list file
A lot of times when installing or trying to run a package, you get an error "Unable to locate package". This is another common error one faces as a beginner ...
Looks like you just haven't updated your package lists, this is missing from the link that you gave - sudo apt-get update This should download the list files from the repos in /etc/apt/sources.list so that apt-get install knows what packages to look for. Note also that you should do this regularly as the repository will change over time.
Apr 14, 2021 · When you use the install command, apt package manager searches the cache to get the package and version information and then download it from its repositories over the network. If the package is not in this cache, your system won’t be able to install it. When you have a freshly installed Ubuntu system, the cache is empty.
May 21, 2021 · FROM php:8.0-apache RUN apt-get update \ && apt-get install wget unzip zip -y From the second issue you are now seeing, you have a networking issue within your containers. There are lots of possible causes, including the host not being connected to the network, and networking changing after the docker engine was started.
Shell/Bash answers related to “Unable to locate package libaio1” ... install semanage unable to locate package · unable to locate package wget ubuntu ...
05.02.2020 · If the above step did not help it is worth to check whether the package name of the package you wish to install does not contain any typos. Furthermore, Ubuntu as any other GNU/Linux distribution systems are case sensitive which means that Python-pip and python-pip are two distinct packages.; Are you sure that this package exists?
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Try running sudo apt-get update before trying to install the package. After installation the system doesn't have an up-to-date package list so you won't be able to find the package. Once you've done this you should be able to install as normal.
17.11.2013 · There are many questions about this topic. Here I provide a basic/general answer. When apt-get install is unable to locate a package, the package you want to install couldn't be found within repositories that you have added (those in in /etc/apt/sources.list and under /etc/apt/sources.list.d/).. The following (general) procedure helps to solve this:
30.08.2017 · How to Use ‘Yum History’ to Find Out Installed or Removed Packages Info If You Appreciate What We Do Here On TecMint, You Should Consider: Linux Server Monitoring Tools