uni-bonn.de - Informatik 4: Start page
net.cs.uni-bonn.deAug 02, 2021 · University of Bonn. Institute of Computer Science 4. Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 5. (formerly: Endenicher Allee 19C) D-53115 Bonn. Germany. Phone: +49 228 73-4118. Fax: +49 228 73-4571. E-Mail: office4@cs.uni-bonn.de.
University of Bonn
www.uni-bonn.de › enVision and mission statement of the University of Bonn, one of the most research-intensive German universities. Facts and Figures. Facts and figures about the University of Bonn with 6 Clusters of Excellence, 2 Nobel Prize laureates, 35,000 students, over 200 subject and much more. Networks.
Degree Programs A-Z — University of Bonn
www.uni-bonn.de › en › studyingFacts and Figures Facts and figures about the University of Bonn with 6 Clusters of Excellence, 2 Nobel Prize laureates, 35,000 students, over 200 subject and much more. Networks The University of Bonn maintains a range of partnerships with a variety of universities spread across six continents.
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University — University of Bonn
https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/universityAbout the University; Why the University of Bonn? Die Gründe an der Universität Bonn zu studieren, forschen und arbeiten. Our Vision Vision and mission statement of the University of Bonn, one of the most research-intensive German universities.; Facts and Figures Facts and figures about the University of Bonn with 6 Clusters of Excellence, 2 Nobel Prize laureates, …