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unifi controller dns timeout

Short DNS-timeouts for clients | Ubiquiti Community
https://community.ui.com › Short-...
I have a Dream Machine, everything is great but my clients get DNS timeouts, on the the client side its like internet is lagging and then boom its back (30 ...
DNS Timeout on Unifi AP-AC-Pro for some clients - Ubiquiti ...
https://community.ui.com › DNS-T...
Please attach a UniFi Network support file with remote logging to this controller enabled after reproducing DNS error with DNS directly to, attach the ...
Dns timeouts dns latency and high tcp latency issues. : Ubiquiti
www.reddit.com › r › Ubiquiti
Dns timeouts dns latency and high tcp latency issues. Ive noticed in the forums for the past 3 months or so several people have been having this same issue as me in the forums. Most specifically with ios devices. I tried rolling back firmware all the way to .4 and the problem persist. I have a unify lite ap plugged into a basic gigabit switch ...
Unifi AP. "DNS Timeout" on Guest Portal : sysadmin
www.reddit.com › r › sysadmin
After setting up the new VLANs at two sites, one is working just fine and the other one is giving a bunch of DNS timeout errors in the controller. Testing with my phone shows the network connecting, IP address being leased with all pertinent addresses including the correct DNS addresses set in the DHCP server (we use an external DNS from ...
DNS Timeout on Unifi AP-AC-Pro for some clients - Ubiquiti ...
https://community.ui.com › DNS-T...
Some of my clients are unable to connect to the wifi after the latest firmware upgrade to the Unifi AP. The error is telling me to check that the DNS server ...
DNS Timeout on certain devices | Ubiquiti Community
https://community.ui.com › DNS-T...
We are using google DNS ( on the statically assigned Unifi gear. However, DHCP is handing out the DNS server of the Windows Domain Controllers ...
Client DNS timeouts : Ubiquiti - reddit
If you're running pi-hole and the client device query is blocked, it will show as a DNS timeout in the controller. I see a ton of these with my Google devices (since they do not obey network defined DNS servers) since I blocked all traffic out of port 53 except for queries from my pi-hole devices.
"DNS Timeout" on Guest Portal | Ubiquiti Community
https://community.ui.com › DNS-T...
But when device connect to guest wifi I see an error on the controller "DNS Timeout". I know one solution that helps me. On AP by SSH: ebtables -t nat -I ...
Force Unifi to ignore DNS timeout errors? : UNIFI
Force Unifi to ignore DNS timeout errors? Currently running a Unifi controller in a docker, to manage and monitor my single UniFi AP-AC-Pro.. and everytime i log into the panel i'm getting a little annoyed with all the alerts letting me know that …
[SOLVED] Unifi Setup DNS Issues - Wireless Networking
https://community.spiceworks.com › ...
Solution: If you have a stupid DNS client (like an iPhone) and they have a stupid ... I have a dozen clients that use all Unifi AP's and everything is setup ...
UniFi - Troubleshooting Connectivity Issues – Ubiquiti ...
In some cases, connectivity issues might be caused by UniFi Access Points rebooting. To make sure this isn't the case, check the uptime of you APs: Log into UniFi Network On the Devices tab, select the AP On the Devices Properties panel, see the Details > …
Unifi USG DHCP Timeout/Failure – Solved – Gartner ...
16.04.2019 · Unifi USG DHCP Timeout/Failure – Solved. UniFi DHCP Timeout Failure and Various Metrics from the Unifi interface. I’ve recently had an issue with one of the UniFi installations that I manage. The internet speed was upgraded so I made some optimizations to the network to better utilize the potential increase in bandwidth. Prior to completing ...
Unifi AP. "DNS Timeout" on Guest Portal : sysadmin
Unifi AP. "DNS Timeout" on Guest Portal. Question. Hello! I set up guest access (Captive portal). Open UDP 53 from APs to DNS server. ... After setting up the new VLANs at two sites, one is working just fine and the other one is giving a bunch of DNS timeout errors in the controller.
Dns timeouts dns latency and high tcp latency issues ...
Dns timeouts dns latency and high tcp latency issues. Ive noticed in the forums for the past 3 months or so several people have been having this same issue as me in the forums. Most specifically with ios devices. I tried rolling back firmware all the way to .4 and the problem persist. I have a unify lite ap plugged into a basic gigabit switch ...
Ubiquity: Unifi AP shows Timeout or Unknown[11] · veloc1ty
18.04.2021 · WireGuard does not fragment packets. The solution is to lower the MTU on the access point: Log onto the access point via ssh. Find out which interface packets originate from. The AP AC Lite uses br0 for example. Set the MTU on the link: ip link set br0 mtu 1400. Afterwards you should persist that command: echo "ip link set br0 mtu 1400" >> /etc ...
DHCP & DNS Timeout/Error | Ubiquiti Community
https://community.ui.com › DHCP-...
Ubquiti UniFi AP-AC-Pro AP's running F/W AP's are centrally managed in our controller. Usually each site will have a Corporate WiFi SSID and Guest ...
DNS Timeout problem with unifi AP-AC-LR | Ubiquiti Community
https://community.ui.com › DNS-T...
I'm having a very weird problem. Hi have a aws hosted unifi controller version 5.6.42. AP-AC-LR version AP connected to Router ...
Unifi USG DHCP Timeout/Failure – Solved – Gartner Technology, LLC
gartnertechnology.com › blog › 2020/09/08
Apr 16, 2019 · Unifi USG DHCP Timeout/Failure – Solved. UniFi DHCP Timeout Failure and Various Metrics from the Unifi interface. I’ve recently had an issue with one of the UniFi installations that I manage. The internet speed was upgraded so I made some optimizations to the network to better utilize the potential increase in bandwidth. Prior to completing ...
[SOLVED] Unifi Setup DNS Issues - Wireless Networking ...
community.spiceworks.com › topic › 2312053-unifi
Mar 24, 2021 · If you have a stupid DNS client (like an iPhone) and they have a stupid app that is running and it's making constant queries trying to resolve a host name like this.address.no.longer.exists.com from a crazy service for an app company that went bankrupt a year ago then the "Client iPhone is having trouble resolving a domain name to an IP address (DNS timeout)" for hours :)
Client DNS timeouts : Ubiquiti
www.reddit.com › lkukjq › client_dns_timeouts
I've been having trouble with my MacBook for a couple months and more recently my Apple Watch having DNS timeouts. Every couple hours on the UniFi Controller I get the messages: Client is having trouble resolving a domain name to an IP address (DNS timeout).for last 2 hours. Has anyone actually found a fix for this?
Hohe TCP Latenz, DNS TimeOut - Dream Maschine [UDM / PRO ...
11.11.2020 · Hallo, Also die Meldung High TCP Latency ist zum Beispiel, wenn ein Gerät weiter weg ist vom AP und schlechteren Empfang hat oder in Schlafmodus geht.. Bei mir es Zum Beispiel die Waschmaschine, Trockner und Geschirrspühler immer wieder, welche einfach ein schwaches Modul drin haben, obwohl der AP sogar in der nähe ist.
[SOLVED] Unifi Setup DNS Issues - Wireless Networking ...
30.03.2021 · Next: Unifi APs down when controller is down. ... Join Now. Hello All, We have recently installed Unifi Wifi in our buildings. Using our internal DHCP and DNS servers, no Unifi Gateway installed at this point. ... (DNS timeout)" for hours :) ...
DNS Timeout on Unifi AP-AC-Pro for some clients - Ubiquiti ...
https://community.ui.com › DNS-T...
"device" is having trouble resolving a domain name to an IP address (DNS timeout).for last 2 hours. Starting to get frustrated!!
Please help! DNS time-out issues : Ubiquiti
All kinds of various devices have random DNS timeouts where they will not be able to access any internet. Our setup consists of a UDM Pro and 5 nanoHDs. The devices with problems are Macs, Pc’s and IoT devices, but they’re all inconsistent. The only device that is never able to connect is a …
WIFI Anomalies - DNS Timeout | Ubiquiti Community
https://community.ui.com › WIFI-...
Hi, I was wondering if this wonderful community can help me!! I have the following as a setup: BT Home Hub ADSL - USG 3P, Unifi Switch 8, Unifi AP-AC-Pro ...
Force Unifi to ignore DNS timeout errors? : UNIFI
www.reddit.com › r › UNIFI
Force Unifi to ignore DNS timeout errors? Currently running a Unifi controller in a docker, to manage and monitor my single UniFi AP-AC-Pro.. and everytime i log into the panel i'm getting a little annoyed with all the alerts letting me know that certian devices are having DNS resolution errors.