Unifi AP. "DNS Timeout" on Guest Portal : sysadmin
www.reddit.com › r › sysadminAfter setting up the new VLANs at two sites, one is working just fine and the other one is giving a bunch of DNS timeout errors in the controller. Testing with my phone shows the network connecting, IP address being leased with all pertinent addresses including the correct DNS addresses set in the DHCP server (we use an external DNS from ...
Client DNS timeouts : Ubiquiti
www.reddit.com › lkukjq › client_dns_timeoutsI've been having trouble with my MacBook for a couple months and more recently my Apple Watch having DNS timeouts. Every couple hours on the UniFi Controller I get the messages: Client is having trouble resolving a domain name to an IP address (DNS timeout).for last 2 hours. Has anyone actually found a fix for this?