unifi-docker - hub.docker.com
hub.docker.com › r › jacobalbertyRun UniFi Docker and open UniFi in browser. Go under Settings -> Controller and then enter the IP address of the Docker host machine in "Controller Hostname/IP", and check the "Override inform host with controller hostname/IP". Save settings and restart UniFi Docker container.
Docker Hub
hub.docker.com › r › linuxserverApplication Setup. The webui is at https://ip:8443, setup with the first run wizard. For Unifi to adopt other devices, e.g. an Access Point, it is required to change the inform IP address. Because Unifi runs inside Docker by default it uses an IP address not accessible by other devices.
Install Unifi Controller Docker - jamiti.co
jamiti.co › install-unifi-controller-dockerJan 12, 2022 · Install Unifi Controller On Docker; The article assumes that Docker and Unifi Controller are already installed on your Synology NAS and that the Let’s Encrypt certificate is already added in Synology’s Control Panel. Also that the certificate to be used is the one set as default, although this can be easily modified in the script.
unifi-docker - hub.docker.com
https://hub.docker.com/r/jacobalberty/unifiRun UniFi Docker and open UniFi in browser. Go under Settings -> Controller and then enter the IP address of the Docker host machine in "Controller Hostname/IP", and check the "Override inform host with controller hostname/IP". Save settings and restart UniFi Docker container. SSH Adoption