AI with Prolog - Intelligency that, by using unification and Prolog search mechanism, inference can be done. It is a fact that every AI problem that can be represented using graphs can be handled by Prolog search and backtracking mechanism. Having such an advantage, various Prolog systems have been developed to solve Graph Theory Problems.
Explanation, Conjunction, and Unification equal volumes of the gas have the same weight. Given (K1) we can accept (K3) independently of (K2) by plotting velocity distributions of the molecules in different regions of a volume of the gas. This can be done by using the Stern-Gerlach apparatus (see P. Morse, Thermal Physics (New York: Benjamin, 1969) pp. 172-174.
GitHub - jimwise/unific: a unification engine for Ruby · Any unification can be performed against a given environment by using Env#unify method. If the given environment is empty, this is the same as calling Unific::unify. If the environment already has bindings, however, the new unification will use these bindings; this means that any variable matches performed against the same variables must be consistent …