21.09.2021 · How to Uninstall Docker in Ubuntu Here are the steps to completely remove docker in Ubuntu. 1. Find out packages to be deleted Open terminal and run the following command to determine which packages need to be deleted on your system. $ dpkg -l | grep -i docker You will see a list of packages. 2. Delete packages
To uninstall the docker package and any other dependant package which are no longer needed on Ubuntu. sudo apt-get autoremove docker. Purging docker. If you ...
Sep 21, 2021 · Docker is a popular application container used by many websites & organizations. It allows you to easily build, deploy, run and update applications in a platform-independent manner.
26.02.2020 · 1 Answer. Now if you just want to do a simple uninstall just type in this command; Step 1:This command will tell you all the docker related packages you have installed: Step 2: The below commands remove everything but containers,images,volumes, user configurations. Step 3: Run these commands to remove all containers,images,volumes, user ...
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25.06.2017 · Ubuntu version 16.04. Still when I ran docker --version it was returning a version. So to uninstall it completely . Again run the dpkg -l | grep -i docker which will list package still there in system. For example: ii docker-ce-cli 5:19.03.6~3-0~ubuntu-xenial amd64 Docker CLI: the open-source application container engine
Jun 02, 2020 · uninstall docker ubuntu 20.04; powershell delete columns in multiple csv files; how to remove wine32 linux; how to completely remove haproxy from ubuntu; remove MiniDLNA; delphes install; linux remove null bytes from file; fordesktop como remover o messenger linux; raspberry pi remove script from startup; removing numbers from ubuntu icons
17.12.2021 · So the uninstallation script stopped when it cannot stop the docker daemon. To avoid the error and then uninstall the docker, we can modify the pid in docker-ssd.pid with a pid of a process which is not so important. Okay, we can launch sleep 200. In 200 seconds, we can run ps -ef | grep sleep to obtain the pid of process of sleep. 1 2 3
If you are on Ubuntu, I find it much easier to uninstall docker if it is installed with snap. You simply do: sudo snap remove docker or, to avoid it creating back-up data for a snap you no longer require: sudo snap remove --purge docker and to delete all related files, sudo find / -name "*docker*" -exec `rm -rf` {} + IMPORTANT UPDATES