The unique factorization theorem - JSTOR Home › stable › 27956028the Unique Factorization Theorem, for it is the theorem which gives a basic struc ture to our number systems of simple arithmetic: the counting numbers and the integers. Moreover, without this theorem there would be no reduction to unique "lowest terms" for fractions?and it fol lows that the theorem is, then, a corner
Fundamental theorem of arithmetic - Wikipedia first generalization of the theorem is found in Gauss's second monograph (1832) on biquadratic reciprocity. This paper introduced what is now called the ring of Gaussian integers, the set of all complex numbers a + bi where a and b are integers. It is now denoted by He showed that this ring has the four units ±1 and ±i, that the non-zero, non-unit numbers fall into two classes, primes and composites, and that (except for order), the composites have unique factorization a…