Dropbox? : unRAID - reddit
www.reddit.com › r › unRAIDThe guy has some spectacular tutorials on UnRAID basics. At least look at his UnRAID basics Playlist. From there, you can go into his more advanced videos. With that said and out of the way, you need to install Community Applications Plugin. After that, within the Apps tab you'll be able to find a Docker container for Dropbox.
Plugins - Unraid | Docs
https://wiki.unraid.net/PluginsDropbox. unRAID Info - Public Info overbyrns Dropbox github: UnRAID Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. This means that any file you save to your Dropbox will automatically save to all your computers, phones and the Dropbox website.
Help: google drive and drop box syncing : unRAID
www.reddit.com › r › unRAIDI'm pretty sure Dropbox will stop working on Linux for anything that's not unencrypted ext4 on November 1, so there's that. Honestly Nextcloud is better and you can set Duplicity up on unRAID to backup your Nextcloud to Google drive (that's what I do). If you're dead set on using Google and Dropbox, spin a VM up and run the sync clients on that.
Dropbox / onedrive : unRAID
www.reddit.com › r › unRAIDDropbox / onedrive I know this is beating a dead cat, but most of the posts I find on the internet is a few years old on this subject even spaceinvaderone's. What is everyone's current way of sharing a synced share of dropbox or onedrive in unraid?