27.12.2018 · I want to use linting to make my life a bit easier in Visual Studio Code. However, for every import I have states "unresolved import". Even on default Django imports (i.e. from django.db import models). I presume it is because it is not seeing the virtual environment Python files. Everything works just fine, but it's starting to get annoying.
Click PyDev —> Interpreters —> Python Interpreter menu item on the left panel. If you can not see a python interpreter configured on the right panel, then just ...
I'm on a mac and have managed to get pygame working for python 3.3 using homebrew, and pydev's causing me some trouble. The libraries don't seem to be recognized. I can use pygame as needed, doing things like . import pygame and. pygame.init() without problem, but Eclipse doesn't recognize the modules and says things like. unresolved import: pygame
08.09.2019 · unresolved import 'pydotplus' Python (unresolved-import) And it was not a 64 bit vs. 32 bit issue. Instead, the wrong linting (because the code is running, and there is just wrong underlining in the editor) came from a needed extra python path in the json settings.
26.11.2013 · There is no problem with runnning because python knows where pygame is. Eclipse is not python it may not know where pygame is. I don't use Eclipse but maybe you have to add path to pygame in configuration. # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- is required by python when you use something more than ASCII for example your native chars - even in comments.
vscode python unresolved import local file Python checks in current directory first for imported module and it treats every other python file in current ...
Restart your computer, go to cmd and write. pip3 install pygame. then go to IDLE and run this simple code: import pygame. I hope that you successfully installed pygame. If it doesn't work, reinstall python and check to create a path during download. Share. Follow this answer to …