Resolve references | PyCharm › resolving-referencesAug 26, 2021 · Resolve references. PyCharm's on-the-fly inspection immediately detects unresolved references, and highlights them with the red curvy line. PyCharm suggests quick fixes to deal with the unresolved references in the source code. Apply a quick-fix. Place the caret at an unresolved reference, PyCharm shows the red light bulb.
How to fix unresolved and unloaded references › support › pagesJun 16, 2018 · The U symbol indicates an unloaded element or unresolved reference. Answer When you remove an element from a model, references to that element might appear on diagrams that are read-only. Read-only means that you cannot remove the element. Now, you have an unresolved or unloaded model element on a diagram . A (U) represents such element.