Wiki | Main / Installation - Artix Linux › Main › InstallationNov 23, 2021 · basestrap /mnt linux-lts linux-firmware Use fstabgen to generate /etc/fstab, use -U for UUIDs as source identifiers and -L for partition labels: fstabgen -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab <- edit and verify, also set root, swap, home and etc.. Check the resulting fstab for errors before rebooting. Now, you can chroot into your new Artix system with:
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artixlinux.orgOct 25, 2021 · Artix Linux, a systemd-free linux distribution. The upcoming s6-base 2.0-1 and s6-scripts 20210921-1 packages introduce a couple of major new features for s6 users. First, the /etc/s6/adminsv directory is supported for writing custom s6-rc services.
Artix Linux - News archives · Artix Linux - News archives. News archives. Octopi and Pamac moved to [universe] 2021-10-25. To accommodate for the wishes of the users who expressed their preference to have paman and octopi provide by Artix, these have now been added to the - not officially supported - universe repository. A clear warning and disclaimer are displayed when ...
Artix Linux - Home
https://artixlinux.org25.10.2021 · Artix Linux, a systemd-free linux distribution. The upcoming s6-base 2.0-1 and s6-scripts 20210921-1 packages introduce a couple of major new features for s6 users. First, the /etc/s6/adminsv directory is supported for writing custom s6-rc services. Additionally, network detection for services on startup is now supported via editing the new network bundle.