The Subjunctive in German - ThoughtCo › the-subjunctive-in-german-1444485Apr 19, 2018 · You'll find subjunctive verb forms and expressions in almost any language, including English and German. The subjunctive mood is designed to convey a message. The message can vary, but the subjunctive is telling you that a statement is not just a plain fact (the "indicative" mood), that there may be some doubt, or something is contrary to reality. In English, when we say, "If I were you..."
The German Subjunctive: The Magical Mood That’ll Enrich Your ... › blog › germanAnd now, let’s do a deep dive into the German subjunctive. In German, the subjunctive is called the Konjunktiv and there are two of them. Konjunktiv I—which is formed differently from its younger brother Konjunktiv II—is used chiefly for reporting indirect speech and old fashioned commands. Historians and journalists will be pleased to know there’s a mood in which they can really show off.