Backend - Keras Documentation the abstract Keras backend to write new code. If you want the Keras modules you write to be compatible with both Theano and TensorFlow, you have to write them via the abstract Keras backend API. Here's an intro. You can import the backend module via: from keras import backend as K The code below instantiates an input placeholder.
keras backend 简单介绍 - 简书 · # python3+输入: KERAS_BACKEND=tensorflow python3 -c "from keras import backend" 3.最好的解决方法,还是在python代码中import keras前加入一个环境变量修改的语句: import os os.environ['KERAS_BACKEND']='theano' 这时import keras就会显示Using Theano backend。同理,可以修改backend为tensorflow ** 第三种 ...
Keras - Backend Configuration › keras › keras_backendTheano is an open source deep learning library that allows you to evaluate multi-dimensional arrays effectively. We can easily install using the below command −. pip install theano By default, keras uses TensorFlow backend. If you want to change backend configuration from TensorFlow to Theano, just change the backend = theano in keras.json file.