234 Suffixes | Postal Explorer
pe.usps.com › text › pub28234.2 Two Suffixes. If an address has two consecutive words that appear on the suffix table (Appendix C ), abbreviate the second of the two words according to the suffix table and place it in the suffix field. The first of the two words is part of the street name. Spell it out on the mailpiece in its entirety after the street name.
Street suffix - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Street_suffixUnited Kingdom. In the United Kingdom, councils maintain lists of locally approved suffixes for new roads.. Example. For example, Haringey Council in London provides this guidance: However other suffixes may be used elsewhere in the UK (for example "Terrace" and "Green" are common), and it is by no means unusual for a street to be called by a name alone, without any suffix.
234 Suffixes | Postal Explorer - USPS
https://pe.usps.com/text/pub28/28c2_015.htm234.2 Two Suffixes. If an address has two consecutive words that appear on the suffix table (Appendix C ), abbreviate the second of the two words according to the suffix table and place it in the suffix field. The first of the two words is part of the street name. Spell it out on the mailpiece in its entirety after the street name.
Appendix H | Postal Explorer - USPS
pe.usps.com › text › pub28While it is the preference of the Postal Service that all words in a mailing address appear fully spelled out, this section is intended to provide a set of standard abbreviations to be used when mailers encounter the following Spanish prefixes in the delivery address line and there is a need to compress the output to the mailpiece. Spanish Prefix.