uWSGI — Flask Documentation (2.0.x)
flask.palletsprojects.com › en › 2uWSGI¶. uWSGI is a deployment option on servers like nginx, lighttpd, and cherokee; see FastCGI and Standalone WSGI Containers for other options. To use your WSGI application with uWSGI protocol you will need a uWSGI server first. uWSGI is both a protocol and an application server; the application server can serve uWSGI, FastCGI, and HTTP protocols.
uWSGI — Flask Documentation (2.0.x)
https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/2.0.x/deploying/uwsgiThe --manage-script-name will move the handling of SCRIPT_NAME to uwsgi, since it is smarter about that. It is used together with the --mount directive which will make requests to /yourapplication be directed to myapp:app.If your application is accessible at root level, you can use a single / instead of /yourapplication. myapp refers to the name of the file of your flask …