parliament election. 2017. 2021. 2017. 2013. 2009. Results last changed 26/02/2018 kl. 09:46. Explanation. From the moment you place the ballot paper in the ballot box and until it becomes part of the election result, it will go through several checks to ensure that the election is properly conducted and that the election result is correct.
Forside - Valgdirektoratet
https://www.valg.noValgresultater. Aktuelt Flere aktuelle saker Valgte representanter til stortinget. Se listen over alle nyvalgte stortingsrepresentanter. Publisert: 4. oktober 2021 . Hvordan foregår opptellingen. Stemmeseddelen du legger i urnen skal gjennom mange kontroller ...
valgresultat.no2017. 2013. 2009. Results last changed 21/09/2021 kl. 14:46. Explanation. From the moment you place the ballot paper in the ballot box and until it becomes part of the election result, it will go through several checks to ensure that the election is properly conducted and that the election result is correct. Read more about the election process ...