KB3225: Troubleshooting Guest Processing "Test Now" issues
www.veeam.com › kb3225Jul 23, 2020 · For VM Backup and Replication jobs (VMware or Hyper-V), the account specified to connect to the Guest is always the account used to login to the SQL instance. So the Credentials Tester can show good for a SQL server, but the SQL-related tasks ( Truncation , Transaction Log Backup ) may fail if the account being used does not have the correct ...
KB3225: Troubleshooting Guest Processing "Test Now" issues
https://www.veeam.com/kb322523.07.2020 · For VM Backup and Replication jobs (VMware or Hyper-V), the account specified to connect to the Guest is always the account used to login to the SQL instance. So the Credentials Tester can show good for a SQL server, but the SQL-related tasks ( Truncation , Transaction Log Backup ) may fail if the account being used does not have the correct permissions in SQL .
guest agent availability - Veeam R&D Forums
forums.veeam.com › veeam-backup-replication-f2Jul 29, 2011 · Post. by homermg » Wed Aug 03, 2011 8:22 am. this post. Hi All, i have allways an issue by backungup my vm systems but the backupt is ended seccessfull. Validating guest agent availability for the VM. Unable to use guest agent: VM guest OS state is 'NotRunning'. I have this version and im using "Virtual Appliance" mode with vss.