pec function - RDocumentation › packages › pecMay 04, 2022 · For right censored data, the right hand side of the formula is used to specify conditional censoring models. For example, set Surv (time,status)~x1+x2 and cens.model="cox" . Then the weights are based on a Cox regression model for the censoring times with predictors x1 and x2. Note that the usual coding is assumed: status=0 for censored times ...
ValueError: need more than 2 values to unpack in Python 2.6.6 › questions › 5515859Mar 04, 2015 · line 142 of source is the method. for test, err, capt in errors: which has the line of code: count = get_error_count (i) reference Python 3.0 has something a bit like this. Excess values can be bound (as a list) to the last variable: a,b,*c = [1,2,3,4,5] will result in c containing [3,4,5]. In Python 2.x, you can't do that directly, but you ...
survfit.object function - RDocumentation › packages › survivala multi-state survival will have the prev component instead of surv. It will be a matrix containing the estimated probability of each state at each time, one column per state. The p0 matrix contains the initial distribution of states. (On further reflection pstate= "probability in state" would have been a much better label than "prevalence ...