Contact us - VARD › contactPlease contact the right person or team in VARD, we can only answer relevant enquiries. If you have a service request related to SeaQ, please call Vard Electro 24/7 Service phone.
VARD - LinkedIn | 45 673 følgere på LinkedIn. VARD is one of the major global designers and shipbuilders of specialized vessels. Headquartered in Norway and with approximately 9,000 employees, VARD operates nine strategically located shipbuilding facilities, including five in Norway, two in Romania, one in Brazil and one in Vietnam. Through its specialized subsidiaries, VARD develops power …
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www.vard.comNov 18, 2021 · VARD has designed and built highly specialized and advanced vessels for decades. Our competence center of specialists pushes the boundaries of functionality and technical solutions of our ship designs. We find sustainable solutions to improve the cost efficiency of a ship and its operations that reduces emissions, without compromising on the ...
VARD - LinkedIn › company › vardVARD | 45 673 følgere på LinkedIn. VARD is one of the major global designers and shipbuilders of specialized vessels. Headquartered in Norway and with approximately 9,000 employees, VARD operates nine strategically located shipbuilding facilities, including five in Norway, two in Romania, one in Brazil and one in Vietnam.
Contact us - VARD contact the right person or team in VARD, we can only answer relevant enquiries. If you have a service request related to SeaQ, please call Vard Electro 24/7 Service phone.
Home - VARD
https://www.vard.com18.11.2021 · VARD has designed and built highly specialized and advanced vessels for decades. Our competence center of specialists pushes the boundaries of functionality and technical solutions of our ship designs. We find sustainable solutions to improve the cost efficiency of a ship and its operations that reduces emissions, without compromising on the ...