Changing an ESXi/ESX host root password (1004659) | VMware KB › s › articleNov 19, 2020 · Change the root password by executing: passwd root Enter the new root password, and press Enter. Enter the password a second time to verify. You are warned about, but not prevented from using, bad passwords. If you make a mistake when typing or retyping the new root password, you must start over. For example: # passwd root Changing password for user root.
Change the Password of the Root User - VMware › en › VMware-vSphereJan 22, 2021 · Type the current password of the root user and press Enter. Select Configure Root Password and press Enter. Type the old password of the root user, and press Enter. Set up the new password and press Enter. Press Esc until you return to the main menu. Results You changed the password of the root user of the appliance.
Update the Password of a Local User in the vCenter Server ... › en › VMware-vSphereMay 31, 2019 · The default user with a super administrator role is root. Run the localaccounts.user.password.update --username user name --password command. For example, to change the password of a user with user name test, run the following command: localaccounts.user.password.update --username test --password. Enter and confirm the new password when prompted. Parent topic: Managing Local User Accounts in the vCenter Server Appliance.