vCenter HA Deployment Options - VMware › en › VMware-vSphereMay 31, 2019 · The user or the automatic configuration clones the first vCenter Server Appliance to create the Passive node and Witness node. As part of the clone process, the information about the external Platform Services Controller and the load balancer is cloned as well. When configuration is complete, the vCenter Server Appliance is protected by vCenter HA.
What is vCenter HA | Mastering VMware · vCenter HA does not require any additional license. It just requires an vCenter Server Standard single license to work. vCenter HA works on both the type of deployments Embedded PSC or the External PSC. If you have an External PSC then you need to use the Load Balancer. vCenter HA has 2 types of configurations Basic & Advanced.
Plan the vCenter HA Deployment - VMware › en › VMware-vSphereBefore you can configure vCenter HA, you have to consider several factors. A deployment with components that use different versions of vSphere requires different considerations than a deployment that includes only vSphere 7.0 components. Resource and software requirements and the networking setup must also be considered carefully.
FAQ: vCenter High Availability (2148003) | VMware KB › s › articleAug 30, 2021 · vCenter HA can be deployed across three vCenter Datacenter Managed Objects in the vCenter Server Inventory. VMware does not support nor recommend deploying vCenter HA over a WAN configuration. Network latency between the Active, Passive, and Witness nodes must have less than 10 milliseconds and a minimum of a 1 Gbps network.
vCenter High Availability - VMware › en › VMware-vSphereAug 28, 2019 · vCenter High Availability (vCenter HA) protects vCenter Server against host and hardware failures. The active-passive architecture of the solution can also help you reduce downtime significantly when you patch vCenter Server. After some network configuration, you create a three-node cluster that contains Active, Passive, and Witness nodes.