In the terminology of the SDK, every VM is also a VcloudEntity<> , which has a Reference property of type ReferenceType . So to get a VM 's name (or the ...
19.09.2018 · Since vCloud Director 8.10 VMware have allowed VMs to be created which have multiple disks using different storage policies. This can be very useful – for example, a database VM might have it’s database on fast storage but another disk containing backups or logs on slower/cheaper disk. When trying to…
While writing this book, there is no Remove-CIVM cmdlet available in PowerCLI. To remove a vCloud Director or a vCloud Air virtual machine, or do anything ...
26.06.2021 · GET /vCloud. Returns a set of links to resources pertaining support of VMware vCloud Director in Veeam Backup & Replication. To get a list of vCloud service resources, send the GET HTTP request to the URL of the /vCloud resource.
GET /vApp/ {id} Operation: GET /vApp/ {id} Description: Retrieves a vApp/VM. The vApp/VM could be in one of these statues: FAILED_CREATION (-1) - Transient entity state, e.g., model object is created but the corresponding VC backing does not exist yet. This is further sub-categorized in the respective entities.
16.01.2017 · So I set about writing some code to see if I could get full storage information about the VM and all of its disks. I ended up having to access the vCloud REST API directly for this information but it wasn’t too bad.
Get-VM. This cmdlet retrieves the virtual machines on a vCenter Server system. Returns a set of virtual machines that correspond to the filter criteria provided by the cmdlet parameters. For virtual machines with multiple NICs and multiple IP addresses, the IPAddress property of the VMGuest object contains all IP addresses of the virtual machine.
$VMS = Get-vCloudRequest –EndPoint "query?type=vm". This will get the first 25 VMs in your Org and store them in $VMS as an XML output, which you can ...
05.04.2012 · With the release of vCloud Director 1.5, a new feature was introduced called the Query Service that provides a quick and efficient way of searching for objects in vCloud Director. If we take a look at a very simple query such as finding all Virtual Machines in an Organization, using the old method we require a minimum of 4 API requests.
vCloud API Programming Guide for Service Providers 7 1 About the VMware vCloud API 9 Object Taxonomy 9 Objects, References, and Representations 12 Links and Link Relations 14 Client Workflow Overview 20 Using the vCloud API with vCloud Director 27 About the vCloud API Examples 30 2 Hello vCloud: A Simplified RESTful Workflow 31 Logging In 32
09.05.2012 · Steps: 1. Get every VM via the vCloud API using a query. 2. For every VM, get the disks. 3. Set the IOPs limit on every disk via the vSphere SOAP API, based on the VM configuration. To further optimize this, I am thinking about only setting the IOPs after the disk is created or modified. Unfortunately vCloud Director has no hooks/callbacks, so ...
20.07.2012 · I'm using the .NET version of the vCloud SDK from VMWare. In my application, I'd like to show a list of the VMs that are currently running. To do this, I jump through a couple hoops to get a Vapp object, and then an enumeration of its child VMs. Sadly however, there seems to be no way to identify each VM, other than by its IP address.