Veeam Availability Suite Editions Comparison › rs › veeamVeeam Availability Suite can also be purchased by small businesses with virtual environments of 2, 4 or 6 CPU sockets (typically found in companies with fewer than 250 employees) under the product Veeam Backup Essentials™. Fully supported Partially supported • Multi-tenant reporting and monitoring • Over 200 pre-set alarms
Veeam :: Pearson VUE › veeamJul 06, 2020 · Attendance of a Veeam Availability Suite v10: Configuration and Management training course, via a Veeam Authorized Education Center, is a requirement for all VMCE exams. Schedule. Log into your Veeam account. If you do not have an account, register for one using the email you used when booking your course. Go to the certification tab.